Development Turistic
Work Stream No.2: Tourism Development
Given the wide biodiversity of the area, the National Port Company of Champerico (EPNAC) promotes and promotes natural tourism as a window of opportunity and potential alternative, for this purpose actions will be coordinated with the local government, local, regional, national and international organizations and entities that promote and manage tourism as a model of sustainable development. This implies the direct involvement of the public, private and social sectors; It also becomes a strategy of real diversification of the country’s tourism offer in alignment, first with the current global demand and, secondly, with the principles that are promoted within the framework of the “Sustainable Development Goals” driven by the United Nations Organization.
Given the great value and importance of Nature Tourism for the region and the world, and taking into account the great natural wealth that the country has, as well as the current opportunity to promote nature tourism in areas of significant value added as are the Protected Natural Areas, the Biological Corridors, the rural areas, the communities and indigenous peoples, among others. The Port Development Plan promotes the Integration strategy of the tourism sector, promoting the conservation and sustainable use of the region’s biodiversity.
The direct economic income of the port of Champerico is improved, thanks to the receptive load of tourists who travel the city and who have contact with the diverse tourist offer of the area.
At least 1500 families benefit directly from tourism activities
Elaborate cooperation agreements with institutions such as: Guatemalan Tourism Institute (INGUAT), Institute for the Recreation of Private Enterprise Workers of Guatemala (IRTRA), Technical Institute for Training and Productivity (INTECAP), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), Guatemágica , that promote and strengthen local, national and international tourism; Local organizations such as: Association of Fishermen (ASOPECHAM), Association of Athletes that support the generation of strategies that promote and promote activities in the region as a tourist objective.
- Establish value chains that promote national and international tours
Promote sightseeing tourism projects (Cetáceos, Parlamas, Pristidae, Swordfish, Seabirds, among others) - Promote sport fishing (sailfish, sawfish, etc.)
- Promote the artisanal fishing of nets in the dock
- Promote surfing sports competitions
- Promote tours through biological corridors
- Manage and promote with the private sector a dry connection line between IRTRA and the port of Champerico, for the mobilization of local and international tourists